

Imagine a World of Shared Abundance: A Look at Resourceism

  "The current practice of rationing resources through monetary methods is irrelevant, counter-productive, and falls far short of meeting humanity's needs." Michael Corthell For generations, societies have relied on money as the driving force behind everything we do. But what if there was a better way? Resourceism offers a vision of a future where everyone benefits from the Earth's bounty, not just the privileged few.  This article explores the core tenets of resourceism, how it can reshape our world, and the role technology will play in this transformative vision, drawing inspiration from visionary projects like The Venus Project and the ideas of Jacque Fresco. What is Resourceism? Resourceism is the belief that all the Earth's resources—food, water, technology, and information—are a shared inheritance for all humanity. This philosophy challenges economic systems prioritizing profit over people and the planet. Instead, resourceism envisions a world where everyon

What is a Resource-Based Economy and Why is it Humanity's Best Hope?

''A global resource-based socio-economic system is the fairest and most equitable system yet devised. this system will allow for the full expression of human and animal rights .'' Michael Corthell “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” - Albert Einstein Resourceism , as a belief or ideology, holds that the Earth's resources belong to all people and should be shared equitably for the collective well-being of humanity. This principle forms the bedrock of a resource-based socio-economic system, where existing resources are utilized to ensure fair distribution and benefit for all. In a resource-based economy, the concept of resourceism guides the allocation of goods and services, emphasizing the common inheritance and shared responsibility for Earth's abundance. By exploring the fundamental tenets of resourceism, we can gain a deeper understanding of how it relates to the vision and principles of a resource-based economy.

What is the Vegan Economy?

What kind of world will our children inherit?  by Michael Corthell “The fact is, efficiency, sustainability, and abundance are enemies of profit.”  -  Zeitgeist Addendum First and foremost, it is essential to acknowledge that progressive, enlightened, and well-informed individuals are inherently aware that enslaving, exploiting, or causing harm to any sentient being is entirely unacceptable under any circumstances. Such actions represent the utmost violation of all forms of life and stand in direct opposition to the principles of a Resource-Based Economy.  Looking at it from the average vegan's point of view a resource-based economy(RBE) and its foundational belief system resourceism must be paired with and go hand in hand with veganism . I would go so far as to say that one cannot succeed without the other . Seeing this pairing from the resource-based economist's point of view takes a bit more work since the science-based approach is sometimes focused more on eff

From Greed to Green: Exploring Resourceism as an Ethical Socio-economic Alternative

  ''In contemporary society, the pervasive influence of money often raises questions about its impact on morality and sustainability. The pursuit of wealth, often at the expense of ethical considerations, has led to a variety of societal issues.'' Michael Corthell  This article explores the corrupting influence of money and proposes a solution in the form of resourceism—a resource-based economy. By examining the drawbacks of capitalism and other money-based socio-economic systems, we can better understand the need for alternative approaches. The Corrupting Influence of Money Power Imbalance and Corruption: The accumulation of wealth often translates into significant power, influencing political decisions and perpetuating corruption within societal structures. The link between money and power can undermine the democratic principles that form the foundation of a just society. Materialism Over Values In a money-driven society, there is a risk of prioritizing material gai

Veganism and Resourceism: How Plant-Based Diets Support Sustainable Resource Use

"Plant-based diets require less land, water, and energy than animal-based diets, making them more efficient in terms of resource utilization." - Michael Corthell Resourceism is a socio-economic system that advocates for the equitable and sustainable use of resources. It believes that natural resources are the common inheritance of all humanity and should be managed for the benefit of all. Veganism , on the other hand, is a lifestyle that excludes the use of animal products for ethical, environmental, and health reasons. Although these two concepts might seem unrelated, they are actually closely linked. In this article, we explore how veganism supports Resourceism's mission of sustainable resource use. Reducing Environmental Impact Animal agriculture is a resource-intensive industry that contributes significantly to environmental degradation. It is responsible for deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions, among other issues. By adopting a vegan lifest