The Role of the Accounting Profession in a Resource-Based Economy

''Graphic Accounts''
"Resourceism promotes equitable sharing of Earth's resources for collective well-being. In a moneyless system, accountants play a vital role in managing resources, ensuring fairness and sustainability."

In a resource-based economy guided by the principles of resourceism, the accounting profession, including bookkeepers, would likely undergo significant changes compared to the current monetary-based system. Their roles and responsibilities would adapt to the new economic framework.

The following serves as a jumping-off point, highlighting the possible contributions of the accounting profession to the new resource-based economy:

Resource Management and Tracking

Accountants would play a crucial role in managing and tracking the allocation and utilization of resources. They would need to maintain accurate records of the availability and distribution of resources to ensure equitable access and efficient utilization. This could involve developing sophisticated inventory management systems to monitor the movement of resources, analyzing patterns of resource usage, and assessing replenishment needs.

By providing real-time data and insights, accountants would enable effective decision-making to optimize resource allocation.

Sustainability and Efficiency

Accountants would be responsible for monitoring and analyzing resource consumption and waste within the system. They would work to identify areas of inefficiency, promote sustainable practices, and develop strategies to optimize resource allocation and utilization. This could involve analyzing data on resource usage, conducting audits to identify wasteful practices, and providing recommendations for improving resource efficiency.

Accountants would collaborate with other stakeholders to develop metrics and indicators to track and evaluate the environmental impact of resource utilization.

Non-monetary Measurement and Reporting

Given the absence of monetary transactions, accountants would need to develop alternative methods for measuring and reporting economic activities. They would play a key role in developing standardized reporting frameworks that capture non-monetary information effectively. This could include developing metrics to assess individuals' access to resources, quality of life, and environmental impact.

Accountants would contribute to the design and implementation of reporting systems that provide comprehensive and meaningful data for decision-making, both at the individual and societal levels.

Collaborative Resource Planning

In a resource-based economy, decision-making would likely be more participatory and collaborative. Accountants could contribute to resource planning processes by providing financial expertise, analyzing data on resource availability and demand, and facilitating discussions on resource allocation strategies. They would work alongside other professionals and stakeholders to ensure that decisions align with the principles of resourceism and promote equitable distribution.

Accountants would bring their analytical skills to the table, helping to model different scenarios and assess the impact of resource allocation decisions.

Economic Growth Chart

Education and Advocacy

Accountants could play a role in educating and advocating for the principles of resourceism and the benefits of a resource-based economy. They could contribute to public discourse, participate in discussions on policy-making, and help raise awareness about the need for sustainable resource management and equitable distribution.

Accountants would leverage their expertise to explain complex concepts and promote the transition to a resource-based economy. They could collaborate with educational institutions, professional organizations, and communities to develop training programs and resources that help individuals adapt to the new economic paradigm.

[It's important to understand that the above roles are speculative and based on assumptions about how a resource-based economy might function. The actual roles and responsibilities of the accounting profession in such a system would depend on the specific design and implementation of the resource-based economy, as well as the evolving needs and challenges of that society.]


  1. Books:

    • "The Best That Money Can't Buy: Beyond Politics, Poverty & War" by Jacque Fresco
    • "The Venus Project: The Redesign of a Culture" by Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows
    • "The Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith (for understanding traditional economic systems)
  2. Documentaries and Films:

    • "The Venus Project: Future by Design" (available online)
    • "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" (part of the Zeitgeist film series)
    • "Capitalism: A Love Story" by Michael Moore (for contrasting perspectives)
  3. Online Resources:

It's worth noting that resource-based economies and resourceism are concepts that are still being explored and discussed, and there may not be an abundance of resources specifically dedicated to these topics. However, the resources mentioned above should provide you with a good starting point for further exploration.