Comparative Analysis of Healthcare Under Capitalism and Resourceism

"Global Universal Healthcare''
"Healthcare is a basic human right, it is not a privilege. It must be made available to everyone, regardless of their financial means or social status."

Michael Corthell

This report provides an insightful comparison of healthcare systems under capitalism, specifically focusing on the U.S., and under the proposed socioeconomic system of resourceism. Capitalism and resourceism are distinct economic ideologies that have a significant impact on healthcare delivery and access, reflecting different approaches to resource allocation, ownership, and distribution.

Healthcare Under Capitalism (U.S.): Capitalism, as practiced in the U.S., is characterized by private ownership, competitive markets, and profit-driven incentives. In the context of healthcare, this translates into a predominantly private healthcare system where medical services, insurance, and pharmaceuticals are provided by profit-seeking entities. Here are key aspects of healthcare under capitalism:

  1. Market-Driven Healthcare: Healthcare services are treated as commodities, subject to supply and demand dynamics, often leading to unequal access and higher costs for those with limited financial means.

  2. Insurance-Based Model: The U.S. relies heavily on employer-sponsored health insurance and private insurance companies, resulting in a fragmented system with varying levels of coverage and accessibility.

  3. Profit Motive: Healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, and insurance companies operate to maximize profits, which can sometimes lead to high drug prices, overutilization of services, and a focus on revenue generation over patient well-being.

  4. Health Inequalities: Capitalist healthcare systems can exacerbate health inequalities, as access to quality care may be determined by one's ability to pay for services.

Healthcare Under Resourceism: Resourceism advocates for the equitable distribution of Earth's resources for the collective well-being of humanity. In a resource-based economy, healthcare is treated as a fundamental right, not a commodity. Here's how healthcare would operate under resourceism:

  1. Universal Access: Healthcare is regarded as a human right, and access to medical services, medications, and treatments is not contingent on financial ability.

  2. Emphasis on Prevention: Resourceism prioritizes preventive healthcare measures to reduce the burden of illness, resulting in a healthier population and lower long-term healthcare costs.

  3. Shared Resources: In a resource-based economy, medical resources are allocated based on need, not profitability. This ensures that everyone has access to necessary treatments and services.

  4. Collaboration over Competition: Healthcare providers collaborate to advance medical knowledge and practices, leading to more effective and efficient treatments without the constraints of profit motives.

  5. Incentives for Wellness: With a focus on collective well-being, resourceism encourages healthy lifestyles and societal measures that promote overall health.

Comparative Analysis:

  1. Access and Equality: Resourceism promotes equal access to healthcare for all, aiming to eliminate disparities, whereas capitalism's market-driven approach can lead to unequal access based on financial means.

  2. Innovation: Capitalism can drive medical innovation due to profit incentives, but resourceism encourages collaborative innovation driven by the shared goal of improving human well-being.

  3. Costs: Capitalism's profit motive can inflate healthcare costs, while resourceism's emphasis on efficient resource utilization may lead to more cost-effective systems.

  4. Prevention vs. Treatment: Resourceism's preventive focus can lead to long-term health benefits, whereas capitalism may prioritize treatment over prevention due to profit considerations.

  5. Incentives: Capitalism incentivizes profit generation, sometimes at the expense of patient welfare, while resourceism promotes collective benefits and well-being.

Conclusion: In summary, the healthcare systems under capitalism and resourceism represent two contrasting approaches to resource allocation, ownership, and distribution. While capitalism can drive innovation and competition, it also leads to health inequalities and profit-driven decisions. Resourceism, on the other hand, emphasizes equitable access, prevention, and collaboration for the collective well-being. The comparison underscores the need for thoughtful consideration of the values and priorities underlying healthcare systems and their broader societal implications.


  1. The Venus Project: The official website of The Venus Project, founded by Jacque Fresco, offers resources, articles, videos, and publications related to their vision of a resource-based economy and its implications for various aspects of society, including healthcare. Website: The Venus Project

  2. PubMed: A well-known resource for accessing medical research articles, PubMed contains a wealth of scholarly publications related to healthcare systems, economics, and their effects on public health. Website: PubMed

  3. The New York Times Health Section: The New York Times regularly covers healthcare-related news, analyses, and features that discuss the intersection of capitalism, economics, and healthcare. Website: The New York Times Health

  4. The Guardian's Economics Section: The Guardian covers economic topics from a global perspective, including discussions on economic systems and their impact on various aspects of society, including healthcare. Website: The Guardian - Economics

  5. The World Health Organization (WHO): The WHO provides reports, publications, and resources on global health and healthcare systems, which can be relevant to understanding the impact of different economic systems on healthcare. Website: WHO Publications